Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Negotiating a global climate change agreement

Hello. Welcome to my blog. I would like to know what you think needs to happen at the Copenhagen climate change conference in December?


  1. Hi Sam, welcome to the module, and what a massive question to begin with! What's your view on what needs to happen?

  2. Wow! I didn't expect I'd have to answer it myself! A few ideas:
    * Whilst setting emssions reduction targets to be achived by member states, it MUST be recognised that adapatation (and quite often mitigation) occurs -and is most effective at- the local scale.
    * Clear recogntion that preventing deforestation in developing countries is a mitigation-adaptation strategy (not recognised though Kyoto!)
    * Equity based mitigation
    * Commitment from Annex 1 countries to a climate fund to facilitate adaptation in developing countries.
    * CO2 permits auctioned not grandfathered.
    * A % of Annex I country GDP for R&D on low carbon technology
    * Take care with "technology transfer" (!)

    Hope you're still awake!

  3. Would like to see:

    - no go areas put into the agreement on areas such as tar sand extraction. Unlikely as the USA is now geared up to run off this stuff for many years to come and public awareness is poor.

    - tightening up and a much larger degree on motoring and regulation for the clean development mechanism, if it is in there at all. This all looks like a massive loop hole at the moment.

    Looks like the States is backing away from a unilateral deal, what do people think the chances of getting this out?.... How much should people push for a deal, without strong conditions?... Are we in a strong enough position as a globally informed social movement to get the right deal out of our leaders?.... not sure if we ever will be.
